What would the mires tell us if they had a voice? Perhaps they would whisper about the secret gatherings of the golden cloudberries, hiding where only the worthy may find them. Maybe they would sigh about the gentle caress of a twig of a shrub on your ankle, as a tuffet of moss gives way. Or maybe they would ask to share with you a moment in the peace of a pure spring fen, watching as the swirls form ever-changing patterns. Mires do not guard their secrets jealously. They share generously with anyone who wishes to lend an ear.
Unfortunately, many of the Finnish mires have been silenced, as over a half of the original areas have been drained. In cooperation with the The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and with the help of the designer Marianne Huotari, Lapuan Kankurit has created the VOICE OF THE MIRE collection to answer our precious wetlands’ cry for help.
Mires mean a lot to Marianne. Her parents are from Kainuu, and she spent the summers of her childhood gathering berries and fishing in the mire areas. To her, they speak of home. When Marianne was asked to design a collection to help raise funds for them, inspiration came instantly. – I wanted to let the mires tell their own story, with their own voice. All the designs in the collection came to life by using the mire plants as brushes: it was the mosses, brush twigs and small pine cones that painted the gentle lines on the paper. I felt that my mission here was to be the messenger, Marianne says. – We need bold and loud discourse to protect the mires, and the colours and the designs of the collection reflect that.
Perhaps, what the mires would tell us is that they need help. That they are doing their best, but they can’t do it alone.
Text Jenna Suomela Photo Katja Lösönen