In the beginning, there was yarn.
The original weavers of Lapua, the weaving masters, took this yarn, and went to work. For them, the yarn was the thread of life. From this yarn they decided to weave a living for themselves, their families and generations to come. This was the beginning of Lapuan Kankurit – The Weavers of Lapua. Our roots go all the way back to 1917, when the family established their first textile factory.
Today Lapuan Kankurit are lead by the fourth generation of weavers, together with capable and committed top professionals of the weaving industry. The past generations left us the secrets to weaving, appreciation for hard work and a solid foundation built on values. We weave nothing but the absolute best quality, with uncompromising workmanship.
We weave responsibly, respecting the environment. We take a stand against the nature-consuming, short-lived and cheap production. Everything we do is transparent, and our materials can be traced back to their origin. We only use natural raw materials, such as linen and wool. We weave a better future. We develop new innovations and techniques. As the forerunners of this industry, we carry the responsibility to pass on the craftsmanship of weaving to the future generations by taking part in developing education and collaborating with various academies.
We weave Nordic design, inspired by our pure and rugged nature. To balance out the chilling climate of the north, we weave heaps of warmth and softness into our textiles. We weave a good life for the people around us. We take good care of our employees, partners and clients.
And above all else, we weave for you, dear friend. For you, we weave wonderful warmth, sweet softness, tender well-being, and a beautiful, pleasant life.
from the weavers of good life
Jaana and Esko Hjelt
Fourth generation weavers