“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
Our theme for spring of 2024 is playfulness. This spring we want to explore curiously, we want to frolic freely, we want to dance joyfully, we want to laugh with wild abandon. And, through our new collection, we want to bring all of this into your life, as well.
Let your imagination soar on the wings of a butterfly in the company of the Japanese designer mina perhonen and his new designs for us, METSÄLAMPI (“forest pond”) and KESÄKUKKA (“summer flower”). Marvel at the modernday magic of sauna with Kulttuurisauna’s Nene Tsuboi and Tuomas Toivonen. Explore our spring collection full of colour and whimsy and wonder.
We are introducing a new design by Elisa Defossez called HOHTO, “glow” in Finnish. The design is inspired by soft sunlight leaking through trees, commonly called “Komorebi” in Japanese. The striped pattern brings to mind the play of light through the leaves, as well as the gentle rhythm of the trees in forests.
We are also replenishing our collection with new colours and sizes for the following favourites: HALI, USVA, TSAVO, UNI, SAARI, OSMANKÄÄMI, KOODI, KOIVU and TERVA.
And beyond this catalogue? Let’s stay curious. Let’s try new things just from the joy of doing so, not to achieve something or to impress someone. Let’s do it because it makes the heart happy and the soul sing.
Let’s wander around and wonder at the world with wide eyes and an open heart.
Let’s stay young at heart together.
Text Jenna Suomela Photo Katja Lösönen
TERVA light linen-tencel towel | Lapuan Kankurit
OSMANKÄÄMI linen tablecloth - blanket | Lapuan Kankurit